Тест Английский язык C2 в совершенстве уровень для hh (HeadHunter) 

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Choose the right answer.
It’s just not worth __________.

of bickering over
bicker over
crying over
to bicker over
bickering over

Choose the correct sentence.

Sarah’s handbag had snatched.
Sarah has been her husband snatched.
Sarah had her handbag snatched.
Sarah had her handbag snatching.
Sarah got her handbag snatched.

Choose the correct answer.
Which word is opposite in its meaning to the word “discreet”?


Choose the correct answer.
I had a _____ headache yesterday and couldn’t go to work.


Choose the correct answer.
Which word means “to recall and show respect for (someone or something) in a ceremony”?

to commemorate
to dedicate
to testify
to corroborate
to memorialize

Which word is extra?

to chastise
to reprimand
to condemn
to endorse
to censure

Choose the correct verb to fill in the gap:
Many of the lead writers in national newspapers ___ with laughter and cast derision on what it said.


Choose the meaning of the grammar construction illustrated in the sentence:
That's why, when you see footage of Charles Manson, you might be deeply confused about how he was able to attract dozens of followers.

Modal verb, expressing the logical consequence for first conditional
Modal verb, expressing a high degree of certaint
Modal verb, expressing a lack of certainty of a phenomenon or event
Modal verb, expressing past of may for permissions
Modal verb, used to express the likely outcome in a first conditional scenario

Listen to the text and choose the correct answer.
What pet does the woman have?

a cat
a dog
a horse
a parrot
a hamster

Listen to the text and choose the correct answer.
What pet does the man have?

a horse
a parrot
a dog
a cat
a hamster

Listen to the text and choose the correct answer.
Listen to a woman describing her disastrous cooking experience. How are you supposed to make bruschetta?

Take big pieces of bread, toast them, rub a little garlic on both sides and add tomato sauce.
Take small pieces of bread, rub some garlic on both sides and add tomato sauce.
Take big pieces of bread, rub some garlic on both sides and add tomato sauce.
Take small pieces of bread, toast them, add a little garlic on one side and tomato sauce.
Take medium pieces of bread, toast them, rub garlic on one side, and spread tomato sauce evenly.

Listen to the text and choose the correct answer.
The woman’s experience at her friends’ wedding…

made her realise that disabled people could be treated better at functions
made her feel grateful to her friends for changing her outlook
made her feel equally conspicuous but for different reasons
made her feel flattered by all the attention she got
made her reflect on the societal attitudes toward disability and inclusivity 

Listen to the text and choose the correct answer.
Which sentiment is most representative of the text's portrayal of space journalism?

It is a fabricated occupation with no true purpose.
It's a bridge that connects the realms of science to the general public.
It exists mainly as a stepping stone for people aiming for careers in astrophysics.
The occupation is primarily focused on economic gains rather than science popularization.

Listen to the text and choose the correct answer.
Sarah Cruddas' contribution to the realm of space journalism is underscored as:

Being a leading voice in astrophysics.
Developing it as a recognized career.
Acting as an intermediary between scientists and journalists.
Primarily writing filler and fluffy articles.

Listen to the text and choose the correct answer.
The second speaker's reservations about space journalism focus on the:

Inherent challenges faced by journalists in their day-to-day activities.
Perceived superficiality and lack of depth in popular science articles
Overemphasis on the financial gains possible in the field.
The necessity of being a scientist to write quality content about space.

Listen to the text and choose the correct answer.
In the penultimate statement, what does the speaker hint as being some significant challenges in the field of space journalism?

The lack of funding and resources for space journalism.
The rapid expansion of the industry making it hard to keep up.
Achieving professional acknowledgment and capturing mainstream interest.
The scarcity of niche areas left to explore and write about.

Listen to the text and choose the correct answer.
What best represents the final speaker's perspective towards the field?

Skepticism about the overall significance and impact of space journalism.
A belief that while there are challenges, the potential rewards are considerable.
Conviction that space journalism offers little in terms of financial benefits.
The idea that space journalism is already a saturated field with no room for growth.

Последнее обновление 07 08 2024.